Become an
Nth Scholar
Nth Dimensions provides an array of services to students in the medical education and training pipeline from undergraduate through post-residency; The Nth Dimensions Summer Internship (NDSI) is one way in which Nth Dimensions lives out its ongoing mission to diversify the physician workforce.
NDSI comprises six (6) medical and allied health specialties: Dermatology, Orthopaedic Surgery, Pathology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy, and Radiology. Selected participants spend eight (8) weeks with a specialty-specific preceptor at one of Nth Dimensions' partner institutions or medical centers nationwide.
Immersing students in their specialty field
Dermatology NDSI
Exposes first-year medical students to the specialty of dermatology and equips students to be competitive applicants for dermatology residency programs.
Orthopaedic Surgery NDSI
Exposes first-year medical students to the specialty of orthopaedic surgery and equips students to be competitive applicants for orthopaedic surgery residency programs.
Pathology NDSI
Exposes first-year medical students to the specialty of cytopathology and equips students to be competitive applicants for cytopathology residency programs.
Physical Therapy NDSI
Exposes junior and senior undergraduate students to the field of Physical Therapy and equips students to be competitive applicants
Exposes first-year medical students to the specialty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and equips students to be competitive applicants for PM&R residency programs.
Radiology NDSI
Exposes first-year medical students to the specialty of radiology and equips students to be competitive applicants for radiology residency programs.